Miriam Beerman
Miriam Beerman’s paintings are both anxiety ridden expressionist works rooted in the tradition of Abstract Expressionism and history paintings probing her political and personal heritage. She is a contemporary maker of painterly power objects, imbuing the paint with profound psychology as well as beauty. Her subject has been the arena of the human condition whether expressed overtly with imagery evoking genocide or abstractly through the call and response of process.
Beerman is a colorist, giving color the significant force of her involvement in 20th century devastation. Her surface is stippled and organic. She creates objects which are crafted with care and emotion in the long process of attaining the final image assuming great importance.
These works are serious paintings offering a lifetime of contemplation, stimulating a depth of thought. Beerman has contributed to the contemporary involvement in art being a political tool to alter consciousness.
Alison Weld, 2004
Alison Weld is a painter represented by the Robert Steele Gallery, NYC
© Copyright 2004 Alison Weld